Family Law

Appointment of Deputy

We can assist you in protecting the welfare of your vulnerable loved ones by applying for a court-appointed deputy.

A deputy is an individual or licensed trust company that can make certain decisions on behalf of a person who:

  1. Lacks mental capacity (e.g. elderly with dementia, children with intellectual disability) and

  2. Has not made a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).



1. Book a consultation using the scheduler below. Our lawyer will advise you on the procedures and information required for the appointment of deputy.

SGD 100 for a 45 to 60-minute session

2. Upon completing the paperwork for your matter, our lawyer will initiate the application by filing all relevant court documents:

  • Originating Summons

  • Deputy’s Affidavit

  • Doctor’s Affidavit & Medical Report

  • Consent of Relevant Person (i.e. someone who has to either consent or can object to the person being a deputy)

3. Our lawyer will attend all relevant case conference(s) and court hearing(s) for your matter.

4. Once orders are granted by the judge, our lawyer will extract the final court order and the matter is deemed to be completed.

Uncontested Appointment of Deputy

Flat fee: SGD4,000. This includes all court filing fees and commissioning fees. 

A deputy is a court-appointed individual who is granted specific powers by the Court to make decisions for the benefit and welfare of the individual, as the individual would if he or she still has mental capacity. Our lawyer will initiate the deputyship application by preparing and filing all relevant court documents, including the Originating Summons, Deputy’s Affidavit, Doctor’s Affidavit and Medical Report, and Consent of Relevant Person. 

Our lawyer will attend all relevant case conferences and court hearings on your behalf. Once orders are granted by the judge, the final court order will be extracted for you and the matter is deemed to be completed.

View conditions of our flat-fee Uncontested Appointment of Deputy package.

  • The application will not be contested (i.e. there are no relevant persons who will contest your application to be the deputy).

  • Four affidavits will be provided — two for the main application, two spare to address any additional information the judge wants to be admitted to court. If additional affidavits are required by the judge, they will be charged at SGD 400 each for doctor affidavits and SGD 250 each for non-doctor affidavits.

  • The first two relevant persons involved in the matter will be covered (i.e. spouse, parent, sibling or child above the age of 21 years old). An additional SGD 100 is chargeable for each additional relevant person. Every relevant person has to either sign a Consent or be served with the filed court documents.

  • If an urgent interim order is required, an additional SGD 500 will be charged.

Schedule your Consultation